Gin of the Month- Dingle Gin
Dingle Original Gin is the product of a considerable amount of research, both technical and historical, and experimentation. With the aim to create a totally unique gin, one which worked within the great tradition of gin distilling but which also came with a degree of innovation. In terms of its broad style, this is what is…
Read MoreWhiskey Of The Month – McConnell’s 5 Year Old Irish- Free Glass & Bag (while stocks last)
McConnell’s Story- First established in Belfast in 1776 McConnell’s were hugely successful for over 150 years. A series of industry changes and company misfortunes ultimately lead to the demise of J&J McConnell and the decline of Irish whiskey globally. Now McConnell’s is back and thriving again, with the new team completely committed to “restroting the…
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